Set Up a Room:
Head over to
Click on “Sign In” at the top right.
Choose Sign In with Google.
Choose a room background from the left. The creator of the room can change this at any time, even during the “meeting”. Others that join can not change their background.
Click on “Load Room” to get started.
Click on “Join Room”.
Click on the share icon at the top to get the link to share with others. You will get a QR code and a link (auto copied).
Share the copied link with those you wish to invite or display the QR Code.
*There is background noise set in some rooms that can be distracting. There seems to be no way to turn this off. Keep this in mind when choosing a room. You might want to check out which room works best for your needs.
Interacting in the Room:
To move around:
Use the Arrow Keys (↑,→,↓,←)
Use W, A, S, D
Q and E rotate 45 degrees
Click (and hold) and drag your mouse to look around.
Turn on/off your mic or take pictures (auto-downloaded to your device).
Change Avatar and Name:
Each background has places to change your Avatars. All you need to do is walk through the floating image and you will become that Avatar. Some rooms have very customized Avatars to change to while some just have colors. The Avatar will remain with you even in the next room you join (when signed in with Google).
To change your name click on the “People” icon.
Click on your name on the list.
Change your displayed name and click “Accept”.
There will be a random name created when you first join. Once you change your name the new one will show up each time you join a room.
Caution with students. This will allow anonymous naming. You will want to make sure they use something you and other students can identify to reduce inappropriate behavior.
Room Uses:
These could be planning rooms to meet when you can not be in person with students.
Voting. Have students move to spots in the room by what a choice. “Move to the triangle for a game, square for a snack, or circle to have extra recess.”
Just a fun activity to explore and have FUN!
Keep in mind that appropriate behavior is an expectation. I recommend everyone having to set their name to their actual name so there will be fewer issues! Anonymity can lead to more behavior issues.