
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Student Uploading File to Classroom

You have your kiddos using Google Classroom as their hub for learning and need them to turn in work to you. The issue, you can not show them how to do this. One of the issues with Classroom is that Teaches can not see their Classroom as a student. Yikes. No worries. Take a look (and share) the steps below to show students (and parents) how to upload files (images, PDFs, videos, other files) from their device into an assignment.

Upload a File to a Classroom Assignment:

  1. Get into your Classroom with the student login.

  2. Head to the “Classwork” tab.

  3. Click on the assignment you need to upload a file into.

  1. Click on “View Assignment”.

  1. Click on the “+ Add or Create” button in the top right.

  1. Choose where the file is located and browse for it.

  1. Find the file in your Drive, device, or other location.

  1. Select the file and add it.

  1. Click on “Turn in”.

  1. Click on “Turn in” on the pop-up.

Here is a video walk-through to help as well: Upload File into Google Classroom

If you want these directions in a Document, Click HERE!