
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Google Classroom Directions for Parents

With all the online learning we are having to do today, it is important that parents are able to get into the tools that teachers expect students to access. Ther are a few things to consider when sending home directions for parents to access Google Classroom. Below are some directions to help parents log their children in on their home devices.

In order for you to get your child into their Google Classroom you must have a few things:
  1. Your child’s school Email Address and Password (Ex:
  2. An internet connection and Browser (Google Chrome works best)

Signing in to Google Classroom:
  1. Using your internet browser (Google Chrome will work best), go to You must be logged in to your child’s School account in order to access any Google classroom. You can not use a personal Gmail account to access school Classrooms. Click “Sign In” in the top right-hand corner if you currently are not signed into any Google account. If you are in another Gmail account, you will need to sign out of it and log in with your child’s school account. It is best to set up a profile in Chrome for your child’s account (Directions Here).

  1. Once you are logged in and on the site you will see any Classroom your child is already assigned. If you need to join a Classroom (your teacher has sent you a code) click the “+” in the top right-hand side of the screen.

  1. Select “Join Class” and enter the class code. 

  1. The classrooms that you have joined will now be on one screen. The next time you use, this will be the “home screen”.

Helpful Tips:
  • You must use your child’s School account to access Google Classroom.
  • Look for the “Classwork” tab at the top of the Classroom for current assignments.
  • Setting up a separate Chrome Profile will make switching Google accounts significantly easier. Here is how to do that: Directions Here
  • Here is a YouTube walkthrough: Google Classroom for Parents

If you want these directions in a document click HERE!