
Monday, May 6, 2019

Transfer Your G Suite Content to Another Google Account

The end of the school year always brings on changes in staffing or High School students moving out of school your domain. In the past, G Suite users had to download all their content and then deal with transferring manually into another Google account if they wanted to keep their Google files. There is now a very easy way to transfer all your G Suite content into a personal (or another school) domain easily! The best part is that this just makes a new copy in the new account. The original account does not lose these files. Follow the steps below to move your G Suite content to a new account!

  1. Click on your profile icon in the top right of your screen and click on “My Account”. Click on your profile icon in the top right of your screen and click on “My Account.
  2. In the center isTransfer Your Content”. Click on Start Transfer".

  3. Enter in the email address you wish to have content sent to and then click Send Code”.
  4. You will need to sign into the account you are sending content to and check for an email with a code. Click Get confirmation codeand copy the code and enter it in the original account. You will be prompted to select/unselect Drive and Gmail to transfer.
  5. Once you start the process you can leave the page you are on. Your account that is receiving the content will get two emails: The first one will state that “Your content is on its way”.
  6. When the transfer is completed you will receive a second one stating “Your content has arrived”.

Things to consider:
  • Google Forms do not transfer.
  • While this is running, you will see files appear and disappear in your main Google Drive folder. This is normal. Copies are being made and moved. Just let Transfer do its thing.
  • The first time I did this not all my files transferred. You may want to visually double check that all your files do make it over. If they don’t you can do these steps again.

If you want these steps in a document click HERE!