
Sunday, February 12, 2017

Google Classroom Animated Header

We all love Google Classroom. It is such a great tool. As with any tool, we want to make the most of its features. Here is a way to add a little pizazz to your Google Classroom and make it a little more “animated”! Follow the steps below to make your landing spot a little more interesting.

Google Classroom Animated Header

  1. Decide what GIF you want to represent your Classroom. Here is a great way to find a premade GIF. If you have an editing program (I use Snagit or Camtasia) you can make your own. Also keep in mind that you can use Google Photos to create animated GIFS from any of your photos!
    1. Google search for the topic of your GIF.
    2. Go to “Images”.
    3. Go to “Tools”.

    1. Go to “Size”.
      1. The size that you are looking for is 800x200 as a minimum (2000x400 works as well).

    1. Then select “Type” and choose “Animated”.

    1. For Copyright guidelines, remember to choose the correct “Usage Rights”.

  1. Download the GIF you want to use to your computer.
  2. Click on “Upload Image”.

  1. Choose the GIF you downloaded.
  2. Crop to best fit.

  1. Click “Choose Class Theme” to apply.

  1. Enjoy your new header!

Try to find a GIF that reflects your Classroom. Colors of the image/GIF change the theme (web icon, text icons, and header bar below image) of your Classroom. Play around to find one that creates the theme you want.

If you want these steps in a document, click Here!