
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Posting in Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a fantastic tool to help organize both teachers and students. It can act as your classroom hub for all things from posting reminders, to sharing links, to assigning work. Getting information to students is easy and can be done in different ways. There are Announcements, Assignments, and Questions. Each one is right for specific reasons. Check out the types of posts and what can be done with them. Get started posting with these simple steps!

Posting in Google Classroom

  1. Open your Google Classroom. If you do not already have one, follow these steps to Create a Google Classroom.
  2. Look in the bottom right corner and click the "+" symbol.
  3. Choose which type of post you want to use:

  • Announcement: This is a post that does not require the student to do anything. It is something you want them to see or read. It can be a text post, a video link, a document or any other file, or all of the above.

  • Assignment: This is something you want the student to do. It can be something non-digital, a video to watch, a document to turn in, or any file to upload. There are many options to use here, but they will all require the student to “Turn In” something or “Mark as Done” so the teacher can assess their work.

  • Question: This can be a post asking the students to discuss a topic or post a question. It creates a forum style dialogue that can be monitored by the teacher.

  • Re-use post: This allows teachers to reuse any post previously created in any course (Classroom) the teacher made.

  1. Type the announcement you want students to see in the top line.
  2. You can attach any type of file/link you want as well.

  1. Type the assignment name in the top line.
  2. Attach any file as well. This is where it is great to have a Google Document as a template for students to use. When they click on the Google Document it will make a copy in their Drive and when they submit it to you there will be a copy for you as well.
  3. Set the Due Date (if you want one).
  4. Click on “Assign” or drop arrow to “Save as Draft”.

  1. Post a question at allow students to have a forum style dialogue.

Re-Use Post:
  1. This is a great new feature. You can click “Re-Use Post” and use any port you have written in any other Classroom.
  2. Choose the Classroom the post is in.

  1. Choose the assignment.

All Post Types You Can:
  • Choose to have “Saved Draft”:
  • Note: You can not take a previously assigned/posted post as a Draft.

  • Posted to multiple Classrooms:
    • You can assign any post to multiple Classroom while making it.
    • Click the drop-down menu and choose which Classrooms you would like to assign it to. This is very helpful when you teach the same subject but want each block to have their own Classroom.

Start exploring what Google Classroom can do and get Posting!

If you want these directions in a document click Here!