
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Add Fonts to a Google Document

Fonts! What would the world be without them? This coming from a self proclaimed "Fontophile". I LOVE fonts. The more the better. When I left MS Office as my main tool, I was disappointed in Google Documents and the lack of fonts to choose from. All that has changed. There are now over 450 fonts to choose from. Life is good again. Below are easy to follow directions on how to add fonts to your Google Documents.

Add Fonts to a Google Document

I will admit that I am addicted to Google. I use Drive for everything (sorry MS are not in my tool box any more). I did have one complaint moving to Drive: the lack of Fonts! I am a self proclaimed “Fontophile”. I am addicted to fonts. In MS Office I had over 527 fonts on my computer (I was a sickness). Moving to Drive was a little disappointing a few years ago. Now, that is not an issue. There are over 450 fonts to choose from! As I am saying this, I know some of you are saying that you can not see them. All you need to do is pick the ones you want and install them. Installing is very easy and all done through an open document. Here are the easy steps.

  1. Open a Google Document.
  2. Click on the fonts button.

  1. Look at the list of fonts you have and click on the bottom “More Fonts”.

  1. Scroll on the left side. Click any font you want. When you are ready click “OK” at the bottom and they will appear in the column to the right. This is your new font list.

  1. That is all. One tip of advice (from a recovering Fontophile). Don't go overboard. Just choose the ones you actually will use. Otherwise you will spend more time playing with font selection than actually producing a document (all this from an “in therapy” Fontophile)!

Add Fonts to Google a Document.gif

If you would like these directions in a Document Click Here!