
Tuesday, July 1, 2014 3.0 Updates! New Features!

Lock a Lesson to a Specific Date:

There may be times when you do not want a Bump, Extend, or Delete action to shift ALL your lessons for a class. You may have standardized testing, holiday activities, a guest speaker, etc. which need to stay on a specific date. You can now "lock" a lesson to a date, by selecting the "Lock lesson to date" option in the lesson editor.

Add Extra Class Lessons to a Day:

You can now add extra class lessons to your schedule! This will allow you to teach a particular class more than once in a single day, or to teach a class on a day when it's not normally scheduled. To add an extra class lesson to a day, click More -> Add Extra Lesson.

Create Multiple Schedules for a Class:

During the course of a school year, you may need to adjust one or more class schedules (to change the days or times you teach the class), but you'd like the change to only apply to all future lessons, and not change prior lessons. When you change a class schedule, you will now be asked when you would like this schedule change to take effect.

Search Capability for Lessons:

You can now search your plans for all lessons that contain a specific key word or phrase. The search will look through all your classes, as well as all your school years, and return all matches. To search your plans, click Go To -> Search.

Line Up Lessons and Adjust Size to Fit Content:

We have added a new feature to equal size lessons, and you can now specify a specific height for each lesson (such as 100 pixels), or select to have your equal lesson height adjust to fit the largest lesson in the row. To set your lesson display size, click Go To -> Display.

Add Weekend Days to Your Plans:

For those who teach on the weekend, or simply want to see the weekend days in their plans, we have added the ability to schedule classes and events on Saturday and Sunday! To add Saturday or Sunday to your schedule, click Go To -> Display, and select the Display Days to show in your plans.

New Print to PDF Features:

Print to PDF now allows you to print equal size lesson boxes, and to include the school day counter in your PDF file.

You may have to refresh your browser for these to take effect! Get in am play around!

This post was taken from's update page.