
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Discovery Educator Network Summer Institute: DENSI 2014

Perhaps the best PD you will ever experience in your life. That is the best way to sum Discovery Educator Network Summer Institute (DENSI) up. The Discovery Educator Network (DEN) offers an amazing opportunity to around 125 teachers every year. The chance to learn, collaborate, and network with some of the country's most amazing educators in their annual Summer Institute. I was blessed to attend DENSI 2013 in Burlington, Vermont last year and all I can say it that it changed my life. Not just my professional teaching career, but my personal life as well. DENSI is like no other PD you will ever experience. The opportunity to discuss technology, classroom techniques, and the passion of teaching with thoughtful caring educators for a week can not be simulated in any district PD sessions. For 5 days participants live education, talk different techniques, share ideas, learn new technology, grow professionally and personally, and gain a vast network of supportive "DEN family" members. It is an experience that can, short of any other way to describe it, only be experienced. 

This is your chance to learn from the best. Apply for DENSI 2014 in Nashville and experience it for yourself! If you don't believe me, check out the Top 10 Reason to Attend DENSI 2014 in Nashville below.

(Just don't take my spot!)