
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Easily Make Comments in Documents

As a teacher, one of my favorite features of Google Documents is the ability to make and reply to comments. This is what made my classroom so much closer to paperless. Google has released a new update that makes creating comments ever easier! Check out the steps below and create comments even faster!

Easily Make Comments in Documents

  1. Open a Google Document (right now this quick comment method does not work with Slides or Sheets...only Documents).
  2. Find some text that you want to comment on and select it. On the right side of the screen the “Comments” icon will appear.

  1. Click it and the standard Comments box will open.

  1. Enter your comments as you normally would.

Remember, by clicking “Resolve” you will delete the comments.

This is a fast, clean, and easy way to start comments on Documents! Now go find those student or staff Google Documents you have been procrastinating working with and start giving feedback!

New Comments.gif

To see this post as a Document click Here!